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Dangerous Old Religion


Updated: Dec 1, 2023

Hello, James here... hoping you are in good health and prospering in all things - spirit, soul, and body. Thank you for reading my latest post.

I have always been amazed at things, God reveals to me from within Scripture. These things from God are Truth, which is beneficial for my stay on Earth. They are deposited by God, into my heart, (spirit being) for immediate or future reference and actioning. The Living God will most certainly do this for you also.

[God is Spirit and we also are spirit; we have a soul; and we live in a physical body.]

Truth, given by God via New Testament Covenant, is not about oppressive religious doctrine or mandatory legalistic works which exist as part of Old Testament Bible times. The God given Truth for today is brought about by Jesus Christ, sacrificed on the Cross of Salvation. This Truth in the Spirit, which is the essence of peace on Earth, is about love and grace from the Living God. Relationship is now possible between God and His Creation, that is, you and me... so we can know without doubt, who we are; what we are; and where we are going, moreso than where we have been. Dwelling within pain and suffering of the past should never be our goal in life, when peace and victory are now available. We should be bold in hope and faith to look toward a future of rejoicing in victory and eternal peace.

God is Love and forever committed to His promises!


The Living God who is Spirit, communicates Truth to our own spirit, from where it is translated with understanding into our conscious mind.

[Following Salvation...we have the mind of Christ, because of our personal relationship with God.]

Scripture Reference: 1 Corinthians 2 : 12-16

Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.

These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one.

For “who has known the mind of the LORD that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ.

If we choose to hear the words that God is giving to us, we can speak or record them in some way and maybe later, act on them. We are encouraged by hearing Truth from God as it builds us up and provides answers to problems we encounter within this corrupt World... answers, we can confidently incorporate into our life strategies.

With understanding of God's words given to us, we become confident in the purpose of our life on Earth. This purpose is depicted by God in Scripture, but reliable and beneficial understanding is often misplaced due to personal biases and wrong teaching of Scripture. [Knowing the heart of God, (Love) and His intent for us is essential.]

Once our purpose in life is known, it may be utilised for the benefit of ourselves and those around us. This is God's intent for every person born to Earth: that they should all be blessed, protected and prosperous - spirit, soul and body - not only for their time on Earth, but for eternity.

This is God's love!

Choosing the new covenant of life in Jesus Christ over the old covenant of sin and death.
Beares Beach Sunrise - Bermagui, Sapphire Coast

All things from God are by His grace, through faith (trust) in Jesus Christ. God freely gives His grace and measure of faith to those who approach Him in humility and with hope that what He says is true. His gifts of grace and faith are sufficient for everyone's term of life on Earth and then beyond.

Being born of the Spirit of God, (Salvation) is the most important action anyone can take in their life on Earth. We are rebuilt spiritually and our soul prospers in Truth. A new glorified body is promised by God when we pass on from Earth to Heaven. All things become new for us in righteousness, and relationship with the Living God. Under the cover of His Covenant Word we are assured of His protection.

There are no records of church attendance; prayer time; personal sin; donations to charity; or grovelling in the dust, that are required by the True Living God, before He will accept you into Heaven and eternal peace. Quite the contrary... God already knows your heart and how you have approached Him, whether with hope in humility or prideful thoughts to gain from false pretences. Trust Jesus... He will never leave you nor forsake you.

Scripture Reference: Ephesians 2 : 8-9

For by grace [of God] you have been saved through faith [in Jesus Christ], and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast [in their own ability].


JaKeM Photography Website

A photographic portfolio; published book list; and composed songs collection are available through JaKeM Photography website. These are for viewing pleasure or purchase if you would like to.

All songs are free to stream and download with music, lyrics and guitar chords. Books and songs have themes foundational to Scripture found within the Bible and referring to the Living God; Jesus Christ; and the Holy Spirit.

Pretty Beach - Sapphire Coast, NSW Australia

End Note...

The shackles of "Old Covenant Christian doctrine and legalistic World religions" have been broken. The heavy weight of sin and death has been defeated.

Love, grace and the everlasting peace of God are prizes worth pursuing after.

Please leave comments/questions or contact me via my Website.

Thank you...


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