Hi everyone... hope all is well with you. This is such an important topic. We should never allow Truth to be compromised especially when it is given to us freely to save our life.
Holy Bible Scripture is being seriously compromised in these present times or to state it with more significance, and leaving religion aside, the utterances of the Living God are being disrespected. This is evidenced by Christian publishing companies marketing the Holy Bible with what appears to be targeted alterations. Changing Scripture now seems to be just a matter of opinion. Additions, omissions, variations to context and verb tenses… justifying change to Holy Spirit inspired Scripture has become popular, however, God is not happy about this. Honouring “Spirit and Truth” should be vitally important to any Christian or Christian based community.
Scripture is God breathed life and not to be scoffed at. It is not for fairytales and opinions of whomever may like to frivolously comment. Scripture is the integrity of God’s perfect character and the essence of who we are, or should be, in the image of His character. This corrupted World is bringing forth corruption and compromise as part of their fall from grace and this shows in the standards accepted for display of God's Sacred Word.
I realise that in any Bible version, there are inherent anomalies between what has been translated and the words actually spoken by the Living God. We cannot hope to be perfect while living in an imperfect World stained by the consequences of sin, but we can do better than we are with regard to honouring the Living God. I encourage you to search after truth and not to be content with forms of truth, which are merely convenience wrapped in tinsel. Scripture supports Scripture and confirmation of Truth will register strongly in your heart, (spirit) and be a delight to your life.
Some modern Bible translations, including paraphrased versions of trusted early Greek and Hebrew texts, are in part, responsible for producing erroneous, misleading transcripts. The Word of God is weakened through removal of capitalisation of deity and references to the blood of Jesus. Contextual changes affect the way God's Word is received and understood by readers who expect to hear Truth.
When passages of Scripture are misrepresented and words even deleted, acceptance of grace decreases and prideful legalistic works increase. We make way for pride to influence our decisions and actions rather than hearing from the Holy Spirit in humility. When God is dishonoured, we are dishonoured also. We dishonour ourselves by undermining the integrity of God’s Word. Corruption is so obviously led by thoughts and processes, which say we can do things better than God.
Distributing and selling new versions of the Bible brings monetary rewards, which is acceptable to a point: our work should produce a wage. However, Christian assemblies with believers and possibly unbelievers, being thrown into confusion or deceived regarding the true intent of Scripture, is not acceptable to any degree. Brazen ambiguities, errors in Scripture… these are an insult to Jesus. The Word of God is living and powerful as written in original texts not as paraphrased or idealised to appease modern day cultures on the premise that, “we just want to get them saved.” Stop trying to be better than God. Stop trying to do the Holy Spirit’s work. Honour the Living God with Scriptural Truth.
Scripture Reference: Hebrews 4 : 12-13
For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.
The corrosive process of ambiguous teaching or more specifically, church leaders preaching subtly altered truth, is mostly propagated through ignorance or negligence, but maybe by some, even rebellious conduct. Many distorted Scriptures gain popularity through prolonged public usage, whereby familiarity, ultimately assures their acceptance.
While attending a certain Christian group meeting, significant indignation surfaced, when I presented the subject of modified and omitted Scripture. Some members of the group spoke about their own preferred Bible versions being judged, but this was certainly not my intent. One comment lodged in protest, stood out: “The Holy Spirit can teach from any Bible version, even a comic book” and well, yes I had to agree that God, being God, could achieve perfection even from a comic book. However, even God, and more so God, is bound by His Word, His integrity, and His holiness. For this reason, also the saints of God are accountable for their words as taken from the Bible version they prefer.
Some local Christian churches, integrated into today’s social cultures have compromised so much, that their preaching content is now, almost “anything goes”. Church members can sort out later in their own time, the relevance of things preached. Mixed messages promoting grace and legalism or tithes and offerings, these and other topics have become confusing. These churches, (businesses) need money to survive, but are mostly devoid of Blood Covenant truth, as grace and law never mix harmoniously.
Matthew 12 : 36 – 37
“But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”
Thank you for reading.
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Looking forward to your company, next blog post...
Well written. We all need to be able to trust the translation of the Bible we read to be as close to the original text as possible. Kem